Tires play a key role in your vehicle’s safety and performance, and Hilltop Auto Diesel in Goochland, VA, is your source for new tires if you’re in need of them or even if you just need tire services and maintenance.
Uneven wear can be due to a variety of issues, including improper inflation, misaligned wheels, or problems with suspension components. It’s important to address not just the tire replacement, but also the underlying cause of uneven wear.
Even if the tread isn’t heavily worn, old tires should be replaced after a certain number of years due to the aging of the rubber. Most manufacturers recommend replacing tires every 6 years, regardless of tread wear.
Our Ford-certified technicians ensure that your new tires are installed correctly, balanced, and properly aligned for optimal safety and performance.
New tires significantly improve the safety and handling of your vehicle, especially in adverse weather conditions.
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